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Chronic Pain Treatment in Millersville, MD

Discover Relief from Recurrent Pain
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you are likely in a chronic state of pain, stemming from the disorder’s manipulation of your pain receptors. Many medical professionals believe that, though these chronic pain syndromes cannot be “cured”, its symptoms can be controlled and reduced through a variety of relaxation techniques and exercises. Our goal at Effective Integrative Healthcare, LLC is to act as your healthcare professionals and provide you with the support you need to navigate the pain. Our chiropractor can provide adjustments and spinal manipulation to help reduce your symptoms.

women with depression

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Chronic Pain Without a Source
  • Depression
  • Inability to Focus
  • Insomnia

Pain Relief Through Proper Alignment

Chiropractic adjustments focus on returning your vertebra to the proper alignment. This treatment is meant to increase your mobility, blood circulation, and endorphins, which help with pain tolerance and healing. Many chronic pain sufferers experience pain relief after their adjustments due to the fact that their body has been re-centered. We also recommend acupuncture treatments to help target your most persistent problem areas.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!