Get Help from Your Health Provider to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely
Swimsuit season is upon us! If you’re hoping to lose weight so you look and feel your best this summer, ask your health provider the following questions before starting a weight loss program.
What should my target weight be?
Everyone is different, so doctors and nurses don’t tell everyone to aim for the same magic number. A general rule of thumb is to achieve a “normal” BMI, or body mass index. This is a ratio of your height and weight. For instance, if you are 5’ 6” tall, a healthy weight is anywhere from 118 to 155 pounds. Work with your health provider to narrow down your target weight to a more precise number.
How long should I give myself to reach my goal?
Sustainable weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. If you’re more than 30 pounds overweight, you might drop three to five pounds per week at first with a strict diet and exercise plan, but one to two pounds per week is a more reasonable goal. With hCG, it’s safe to lose a pound a day for some as it allows you to tap into the abnormal fat reserves for fuel instead of lean muscle.
How can losing weight improve my health?
Everyone knows that losing extra weight is beneficial for your health, but your health provider can give you more specifics. For example, if you struggle with arthritic knees, dropping a few pounds can ease your pain. Achieving a healthy weight may even help treat high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and more.
Do I have an underlying health condition causing me to be overweight?
Hormone imbalances caused by thyroid problems or other conditions can cause weight gain. You could also have a genetic predisposition to carry weight around your abdomen, the most dangerous place for fat deposits to form.
Are any of my medications causing weight gain?
Many prescription drugs—including those that treat depression, allergies, and inflammation—may cause weight gain as a side effect. If you notice you’re putting on weight after starting a new medication, bring it up with your health provider. There may be another version of the drug that can help your symptoms without causing this side effect.
What’s the best method I can use to lose weight?
There’s no such thing as a magic weight loss pill, and everyone is different. Still, some methods are more effective than others at promoting weight loss. Take the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) diet, for example. This medical weight loss program is a short-term, low-calorie diet that speeds up your metabolism naturally, encouraging your body to released stored fat and maintain lean muscle.
To be clear, the hCG hormone diet doesn’t promote starvation—it balances your system to shed unwanted weight without negatively impacting your metabolism. It’s a customizable plan effective for both men and women through medical supervision and guidance from your health provider. While weight loss of one-half to one pound per day is feasible, your health provider will ensure a speed that’s safe and appropriate for you.
If you’re interested in starting a medical weight loss program or want to test for imbalances at our office, consider what Effective Integrative Healthcare has to offer. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about the hCG hormone diet.