Author: Rhea Thomas
If you have an irregularly curved spine, you might have scoliosis. Children are often diagnosed with this condition, but it can also develop in…
No one likes getting older, but why is it that some people seem to age more gracefully than others? While genes play a role, it could mostly be down…
Chronic fatigue has countless possible causes. Sometimes, symptoms stem from serious underlying medical conditions, such as kidney disease, heart…
Do you know someone who struggles with arthritis? If your joints are still healthy, you undoubtedly want to keep them that way. Some risk factors for…
Whether you’re on the high school track team, training for your first triathlon, or dreaming of becoming a professional athlete, your sport of…
Do your fingers start to tingle or go numb after working at your computer for too long? If so, you could have carpal tunnel syndrome. This painful…
Scoliosis, or an abnormal curvature of the spine, can be quite painful. If you regularly struggle to manage scoliosis pain, adopt these six daily…
Whether you sprained your ankle, developed shin splints, or tore your ACL, you need time to recover. Once you’re ready to start exercising or…
Have you heard of vitamin B-12? It sounds obscure, perhaps inconsequential, but in fact, the exact opposite is true. Vitamin B-12 is involved with…
Your body has the incredible ability to heal itself—provided it’s given the proper stimulation. Active Release Technique (ART) is a surprisingly…